
Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses energy for stress reduction, deep relaxation, and healing.

Natasha started her Reiki healing journey at the age of 17. Natasha used Reiki as a way to cope with anxiety, stress, poor self-confidence and an overactive nervous system.

Reiki provided a way to heal and connect with herself. Natasha shares these techniques to empower others and provide a sense of calm.

Rather than providing full-hour Reiki sessions, Natasha provides Reiki during counselling sessions in tandem with coping skills being offered. Energy healing often happen during grounding, mindfulness, and somatic coping skills.

Your counsellor will always ask your permission before offering Reiki.

    • Calm nervous system

    • Relief from stress & anxiety

    • Improved mood

    • A sense of balance in the body and mind

    • Released emotions & old energy that was stored in the body

    • Slowing down thoughts

    • Reduced tension in the body

    • Lifted brain fog

    • A sense of peace and wellness

    • Confidence

    • Reiki is natural and safe for all ages

    • Drink lots of water or tea

    • Rest for the remainder of the day

    • Journal, or reflect on the experience


This offering is for individuals seeking stress reduction, deep relaxation, and healing. Reiki is done during counselling sessions and is not offered as a separate session.